About Me

My photo
I began drawing and painting at a very young age and knew early on that I would choose art for my life. I achieved success early on in high school and college in the arts, but after college, I felt compelled to a career in ministry and have spent many fulfilling years helping others find their purpose in life. Through the years, I continued to paint mostly for enjoyment and as an outlet, but in 2007, I realized that an important part of my own life-purpose was creating and painting. The internet, which of course was not available 25 years ago, is such a useful tool for artist, opening doors and providing exposure that would otherwise not be possible. With this new opportunity, I have been pursuing painting and marketing my art whole heartily, usually painting on a daily basis. I live in Tucson, love to jeep, love to paint and study art, and my paintings are often inspired from some remote mountain location in the high desert.

Friday, December 31, 2010

First Painting of 2011 - I am off and Painting...

"Everyone ends up somewhere - Few people end up somewhere on purpose."
"Today I'll do what I can to prepare me for tomorrow to do what I can't do today."

Just a couple of thoughts that I have been focusing on as I enter this New Year. With the New Year, I focus my purpose and prepare myself to do what I can today...  So, here is the first listing of the New Year.  I have been honored to have been selected to be in a couple of shows at the start of 2011 and have been busy painting for those and framing up my pieces, but I am beginning the New Year with some new work for eBay.  This one is 24X36 and is entitled Something in the Splendor. Click on the link to eBay at the top of my blog page and it will take you to my eBay listings. That's my buddy, Joel in the second picture with me.  He usually is puttering around in the studio.  Happy New Year!  -Jeff

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Expecting Great Things In 2011!

Happy New Year!
Here we are at the end of 2010 - As I reflect back on the year, I can honestly say that I am pleased with the progress I have made -and yet the prospect of another year, a new year, draws me forward, inspires me to push on and makes me ponder possibilities. I would say that the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I have done this year was to spend a week with artist Jim Wilcox. Going into the week I told him to not hold back any "punches".  I was there to learn and was not there to wear my feeings on my sleeve, so to speak.  I left with some bumps and bruises, but I tell you what, I am better off for it.  I close out 2010 with having 2 paintings selected in the Empire 100 Western Show and Sale.  So where am I headed in 2011?  I push on... I look forward to painting (when we can) on Thursdays with friend Phil Starke,  Matt Smith in February, Kevin Macpherson later in the year and Jim Wilcox once again.  I have several shows and contest scheduled and will be hoping for those letters that begin "Congratulations..." But even if they don't come, I love to paint and look forward to taking my art up another step.  Hope you will follow me in 2011.  Thank-you to all of my eBay collectors you who have purchased my art on eBay this year.  I will continue to list paintings on eBay into 2011.  
Happy New Year and Enjoy the Journey, Jeff

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Clouds Can't Keep Me Away Today!

You wouldn't think that there would be too many cloudy days in Tucson, but every day for the past week, the clouds have kept me from heading out to paint. I am down to the wire on time to enter this year's Tucson Plein Air Painters anual show so today I headed out, clouds and all. Here are a couple of pictures of what I got this morning. The clouds and shadows were changing so fast, I worked hard to keep up with them. I will try to get out again tomorrow and paint a couple more and pick the best ones for the TPAPS show. Wishing all a Merry Christmas! Jeff

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Empire 100 Western Show and Sale!!!

I entered the Empire Ranch Western Art Show and Sale this month and recieved a response in the mail today.  I had my 11 year old son read it to me.  With the first word being "Congratulations", my first thought was that he was pulling my leg.  I am pleased to announce that two of my entries have been selected for the show!!!   I will post more on the show soon. 

About the Empire 100 Western Art Show & Sale

The "Empire 100" Western Art Show & Sale showcases outstanding, original paintings and bronzes by renowned and emerging artists from across the United States.
Each artwork has been selected through a jury process that examines hundreds of submissions to offer an unparalleled selection of Western art. Ranging from impressionistic and traditional Western art subjects, to plein air landscapes, to colorful still lifes, the show offers something for every collector.
The Empire 100 Western Art Show & Sale is a "not-to-be-missed" event for the serious collector, or for the individual who wants the opportunity to see and purchase superb Western art. The show also features entries of "Empire-inspired art" - artwork inspired by images and scenes at the historic Empire Ranch.

The 2011 Show images can be found here - My Paintings can be found on Page 7. http://www.empireranchfoundation.org/ArtShow/artsale-Wint.htm

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Art from the Past

This is a gouache painting that I did during college while studying art in Kansas City.  It was returned to me this week by my mom - she bought it as a part of an auction after a show.  She and her husband are now traveling full-time in their RV and I was really happy about getting it back.  One of my first shows, one of my first awards... Where does the time go? 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Home From Jackson - Great Workshop with Jim Wilcox

Wow!  What a week!  I spent the past week in Jackson, Wyoming, at a workshop with Jim Wilcox.  Had a great time, loved watching him paint every day, worked really hard at getting a few "bugs" out of my painting (not real ones like when painting en plein air - this was a studio painting workshop), and now I am processing all the great instruction.  I know it stretches me, humbles me to no end, and I believe it will bring me a step farther along in this art journey.  Here are four 12X16" paintings that I worked on there.  I will modify and amend a few things still... Thank you, Jim, for sharing your skill and patiently helping me along my way.  I will be back for sure! - Jeff

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day One of the Jim Wilcox Workshop - Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Great day today - Started off with a demonstration from Jim.  I feel a bit like a sponge, trying to soak up all the wonder and talent, watching the magic from each stroke of the brush.  I realize I am in the presence of a master, and yet such a humble man who would take the time to encourage and guide me.  After the morning watching Jim, it was my turn.  I toyed with the idea of painting the desert - it is so familliar to me, but I decided to s-t-r-e-a-c-h.  I had to paint the Tetons.  So paint I did... The results, well, let's give it a few more days before the reveal.  Here are a few pictures from Jackson today.   I am having a blast, -Jeff

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Next Week with Jim Wilcox

I have all the arrangements set and will be heading up to Jackson Hole for the first week of November (Next Week) for a studio workshop with Jim Wilcox.  I have been forwarned that this is a heavy duty WORKshop and that I will be WORKED - I am looking forward to it!  
 Check out Jim's work at the following link:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Photos of Kadi and Jeff from "Paint the Aspens"

Had a great time the last few days painting in the White Mountains of Arizona.  Kadi, my daughter, and I participated in a plein air event and had a blast! We each have 3 paintings hanging in the show.   The following is an article about the event:

Paint the Aspens Welcomes 35 Artists
Paint the Aspens will welcome 35 artists to the White Mountains to paint the fall landscape beginning Saturday.The artists will paint on location (plein air) through the week, and prepare their work for the reception and judging Oct. 9, from 3 - 7 pm at the High Country Art Gallery in Pinetop. NEAFAA (the Northeastern Arizona Fine Art Association) created this year's event in conjunction with the Arizona Plein Air Painters Association.  Since the paintings were created during the week, some may still be wet.  "This is the largest field of painters in the history of Paint the Aspens," noted Co-Chair Gwen Meyer, whose gallery, Joyous Lake, hosted the show from 2005 through 2008.  "We have top quality artists coming from all over Arizona, and as far west as California..."  Gabor Svagrik, judge for the event, will award almost $1,000 in cash prizes, and hold a workshop the following Sunday morning, Oct. 10, for those interested in learning plein air painting. Additional prizes will be awarded by the Town of Pinetop-Lakeside and the artists. The public will also be invited to participate in a "People's Choice" award.  The High Country Art Gallery is located at 592 W. White Mountain Blvd., next to Paradise Anglers. Information about the event and, after they are created, paintings from the show, can be found at highcountryartgallery.com. The show closes Oct. 24.       
Here is a link to the show:  

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paint the Aspens Juried Show Next Week

I will be participating in Paint the Aspens Juried show next week.
 I look forward to the cool mornings in the White Mountains. 
Should be Fun!  You can check out the show on line.  -Jeff

Sunday, September 26, 2010

$.99 Auction Starts for Ebay

I have noticed a definate slow down for artist on eBay - Looks like a great time to take advantage of some reduced prices and low auctions.  Although I have had a slow down too, I have taken advantage of the extra time to set up my store to offer more variety to buyers.  I have also added some $.99 no reserve auctions + free shipping - hopefully bringing some new lookers and bidders!  I will be listing these weekly so if you have tried and been outbidded, please come back and try again. Pictured above are two of my $.99 start auctions for this week.  ALSO... Kadi, my daughter who is studying art and has been on a mission trip for some months, is back for a 4 month rest before heading out for the last leg of her mission.  I have to say that she is better than ever!  I will continue to list some of her paintings in my store.  Just look under the store catagory "Art by Kadi" for her new pieces.  All proceeds from her art will go to funding her mission trip.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Phil Starke Painting for African Missions

So why is a painting by Phil Starke in my ebay store?
A few years ago when I was starting to paint again, I did a little searching in my community to see what other artist lived nearby.  Tucson is a huge art community and I knew there would be quite a few.  I found out that Phil Starke lived only a few miles from me.  I purchased a DVD from him to see what his art was all about, shortly after, signed up for a workshop, and realized that in Phil, I had not only found a mentor, but a friend, like-minded in many ways.  If you have read my biography, you know that I teach at my church every weekend.  Earlier this year I taught a series called Life Palette, comparing the different elements of painting to real life situations. Wanting to make it more interactive, I asked Phil if he would paint live on stage while I taught and banter back and forth a bit with me.  I thought he would maybe agree to doing it for 1 weekend - Phil painted during 3 services each weekend for a total of 5 weekends.  I still have people come and tell me how impacting that was!  That's not all - Phil donated a piece that he had painted live on stage to the Missions Team at the church who will be taking a trip to South Africa to work with refugees from Zimbabwe.  The painting was raffled off and thousands of dollars came in for this effort.  Once again, Phil is wanting to help raise the remainder of the Mission Team funds. Phil has donated all proceeds from the painting "The Christmas Wreath" to the Alive Missions Team for their trip to South Africa. Thank-you Phil!  I appreciate so much your generosity and your friendship (and your very helpful and honest critiques).
 You can see the complete listing in my ebay store: 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Small Barn Paintings

I have so many barn photos from my summer trip and as I was going through them, I picked a few of my favorites to do some small study paintings.  I may do large versions of these in the future.  They are great size if you are just wanting a small collection size, and they are priced accordingly.  I will be listing these in my ebay store in the next few days, as well as others. 
What am I working on now and into the next few months?  I have a few contest/show entries that I am working on.  It is that time of year when the art world gets going again. -Jeff

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Wait is Over

I own a 5 acre parcel of raw desert land north of Tucson - It is secluded, saguaro studded and the view is amazing!  The land is dry and you would not think that anything but snakes and scorpions could live out there, but one very special time of year, there is a bit of a surprise.  During the brief summer monsoon season,  thousands of tiny newly hatched desert frogs swarm the ground, having just hatched from the seasonal pond and stream that is on the property.  I love to take my son out to see this phenomenon.  It is the most amazing thing to see! The whole process of hatching, growing, reproduction, and once again laying of eggs that will stay dormant until the following year during the monsoon season takes a few short weeks - Then as the water dries up, they are gone again, without a trace - no sign that they were ever there.  But they are there - just waiting for the right time, when once again the wait will be over.  This oil painting is 18X36" and the title is - "The Wait is Over" 
It is newly painted and is available in my ebay store


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Her Majesty

The Grand Teton Mountains - Title: Her Majesty
I am looking forward to painting with Jim Wilcox in November.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Where is Kadi?

Deep down, I really would like for my children to somehow follow in my footsteps to some degree, although if they choose other paths, my love for them in no less, nor am I any less proud.  Kadi, my daughter, has chosen paths that are very close to my own.   I love to paint - I can not express that enough!  But the call on my life to help others through the ministry has taken first place throughout my life.  I have always tried to live by the wisdom to "seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you", wondering if a career in art would ever be part of the things that would be "added unto me".  If I have learned anything with my walk with God, it is that he is faithful and so I have retired the wondering and am enjoying what success I am experiencing with my art.  So, what does this have to do with Kadi?  Kadi plunged head long into painting during her early teen years and went right ahead and completed 2 years of her art degree.  But all along, she too has felt a call on her own life to ministry.  So where is Kadi now?  Kadi is 2/3 of the way through a three year mission school with an organization called YWAM (Youth with a Mission).  Kadi has been to nearly every corner of the globe but has spent the last 6 months of this trip on the continent of Africa, doing what Kadi does best -  loving whoever it is that she comes in contact with and growing ever stronger in her faith.  I have sold quite a few of her paintings on ebay and all proceeds have gone to fund her mission trip, but I am down to only one plein air and the above Rhino painting, quite fitting given that her heart has been deeply touched by her ministry to Africa.  Kadi will be back home in September and she will be painting again for couple of months, getting ready once again for the last 1/3 of her 3 year mission school to yet another part of the world.  I am looking forward to what she will be painting given that her eyes and her heart have been insired in so many new ways! Watch for her new work this fall where once again 100% of her proceeds will go toward her mission trip. This painting is dedicated to the memory of Zibulo, the white rhino, who died in July at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson, Azizona.  It is available on ebay. SOLD

Saturday, August 14, 2010

On Sale Now - 15% Off Plein Air Oil Paintings

The Above Painting is one of the Plein Air Pieces that is on sale today till the end of the month on ebay.  I am offering 15% off.  There are about 12 different paintings to choose from.  If you don't see what you want,  please keep checking back.  I list new work every week.  Thanks - Jeff

Scheduled Workshop with Jim Wilcox

Other than keeping at the painting nearly daily, I have a couple of scheduled events coming up - I have once again recieved an invitation to submit to the The Mountain Oyster Club Show and Sale. I am working on my submissions - and while traveling through Jackson, Wyoming last month, I visited and was deeply inspired by the beauty of the Tetons and the works of Jim Wilcox. In November, I am scheduled to do a week-long workshop with him and am looking forward to this.  Jim is the master of the Jackson area. The above painting was painted from a photo I took last month on my long road trip.  The Tetons are at the top of my list for all time favorites - Majestic!    Dressed in Summer's Best - 24X30" available on EBay.

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Painting - "On the Sloping Side"

While in Colorado earlier this month, I took a photo of this interesting barn.  I really liked the a roof lines and just how peaceful the whole scene felt.  Hidden back behind the barn was an old farm truck.  I finished it today and have it listed on EBay.  There are more photos and some close-ups if you would like a better look. - It is titled: "On the Sloping Side".

School, Routine and Purpose

I don’t know about you, but I am glad my kids are back in school and life is getting back to some sort of normal routine. While I love spending extra time with the family during the summer and doing family vacation, I love getting back in the saddle so to speak and doing what God has me doing in my life.  Even as I write this I realize there are many people who don’t feel that way and feel that life has no purpose. So often we look at our lives and feel that we can only be happy if we have certain things, careers or relationships. Let me encourage you that God has a much greater purpose for your life.  Many people spend their lives searching for a greater purpose. Yet we cannot discover the purpose we were created for outside of God. He is the one who made us with our passions, gifts, talents and skills with His purpose in mind. Everything about our fulfillment, our peace and our lives being lived for a greater purpose stems from the fact that we have a creator and He has created for His purpose.  I want to encourage you as we get back to the routine of life that if you have never read Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life” that you take 40 days and do so. Or if you are like me, and have read it before, this is a great time to re-read it. God will use it in your life to change you forever.  I have one Purpose Driven Life book available in my EBay store today.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Family Values" - Teach them to Fly

New on EBay today is a painting that I have named Family Values. Family truly is important to me. I have a married daughter in Indiana, a college daughter on a mission trip throughout Africa, a third daughter that is maneuvering through 8th grade and following in last, a son. I remember some wise soul giving a young couple words of wisdom after the birth of their first daughter. It went something like this: "Don't assume that she is yours to keep - You are just taking care of her for awhile. She really belongs to God." Yes, sure - In my naive kind of way, I understood perfectly! We were just taking care of her for awhile. Of course I did know that... But somewhere along this incredible journey, my wife and I maybe forgot or just didn't quite understand the implications of this wisdom. Even with the best intentions and even with the noble thought of being a temporary care-giver, we just got to thinking that she was "ours" as were each that came along. Years later after we dropped our oldest off at college and waved good-bye, my wife, through tearful eyes and a sincere mother's heart, whispered out loud, "fly away little birdie" only to many times since retract the command.Less than a year later came my "fly away" moment as a married off my baby girl. My wife and I really don't want our brood to return after they leave - we want to give them wings to fly to be all God intended them to be - but sometimes we wonder why someone didn't tell us a long time ago to prepare our hearts because one day they would take wing.   Then I remember... oh yes, someone did ...  Enjoy your kids today and give them wings to fly.   - Jeff

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Summer's Yield" - Florence Oregon

I took a trip in July - more than 4000 miles throughout the Western states.  I am always amazed at how much diversity there is in the landscape from state to state.  I found many farms on the Oregon Coast - This one was inland a bit from Florence, Oregon.  It is listed in my ebay store - Title: Summer's Yield

Monday, August 9, 2010

Studio Space Complete

Since November, I have been having work done for a better studio set up that would meet the needs for painting and office. The space is completed and I thought I would post a few shots of the new studio. I have 2 easel stations so I am able to work on different pieces or work with another artist. I have branched out a bit in offering lessons to a few students who have been very patient to put up with construction. I have lots of shelving, keeping all of my canvas and plein air boxes organized and within quick reach. A sink was installed for washing brushes and track lighting gives me the opportunity to set the lights where I need them. As you can see, Hubble, my golden retriever, likes the newly carpeted studio, too. The offfice space across from the painting space gives quick access for listing. Kathy ships my paintings for me, so her favorite space is the packing table with all her supplies shelved close by. No excuses for not painting now! Hope you enjoyed this tour - Jeff

El Morro - "Written In Stone"

Sales on Ebay are holding steady for me. Summer usually slows down a bit, giving me a chance to increase my inventory. I sold this large commission piece on ebay last week. It is 24X36" - Inscription Rock - El Morro in New Mexico.  If you don't see what you want on ebay, or just have some ideas about a painting you would like to have, please let me know.  I have had good success in working on customs.  I worked off a photo provided by the buyer on this one, and took some artistic freedom to come up with a composition we were both happy with.  My sales are through private auctions through my EBay store.  Prices vary depending on size - Keep in mind that it takes about 10-14 days to dry after painting is complete. Just email if you are interested in working with me and I will see what you have and give you my price quotes.
Other than keeping at the painting nearly daily, I have a couple of scheduled events coming up - I have once again recieved an invitation to submit to the The Mountain Oyster Club Show and Sale. I am working on my submissions - and while traveling through Jackson, Wyoming last month, I visited and was deeply inspired by the beauty of the Tetons and the works of Jim Wilcox. In November, I am scheduled to do a week-long workshop with him and am looking forward to this. The title of this piece is Written in Stone. SOLD

South Fork Colorado

In July, I ended up in South Fork, Colorado, to do a little painting and a little fishing - Both were great. Painting in the mornings and fishing in the evenings, my daughter went out sketching with me one morning and Kathy accompanied me on another - Beautiful mornings with rain in the afternoons followed by fantastic fishing later in the day. I caught the biggest river trout I think I hae ever gotten out of a Colorado River. Mostly catch and release (my son wanted to watch them swim away), we ended up cooking up only 3 of the many fish we landed. I painted "South Fork Morning" while the clouds broke. Please check out my listings on ebay - Seems to be the place for me to sell my work right now. Thanks Jeff Sold