About Me

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I began drawing and painting at a very young age and knew early on that I would choose art for my life. I achieved success early on in high school and college in the arts, but after college, I felt compelled to a career in ministry and have spent many fulfilling years helping others find their purpose in life. Through the years, I continued to paint mostly for enjoyment and as an outlet, but in 2007, I realized that an important part of my own life-purpose was creating and painting. The internet, which of course was not available 25 years ago, is such a useful tool for artist, opening doors and providing exposure that would otherwise not be possible. With this new opportunity, I have been pursuing painting and marketing my art whole heartily, usually painting on a daily basis. I live in Tucson, love to jeep, love to paint and study art, and my paintings are often inspired from some remote mountain location in the high desert.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm In the Movies...Well, Kind of..

I recently was contacted by the set director of a NBC movie saying that they would like to use one of my paintings on a set for one of their upcoming movies. I have always thought being in a movie would be a kick - I even did some acting a looooong time ago. That dream died away once there were bills to pay, but now I can live vicariously through my painting! Hey, I think that is a kick as well! The Made for TV family movie is called "Magic Eye" and it is set to air June 11 on NBC, a Saturday. 
Below is some new work completed this week.
The Road to Remember - 18X24"
Rooted in the Rock - 8X10"

Into the Thicket - 16X20"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here is a New One - Thanks Matt Smith for your Great Instruction and Inspiration!

Day 2 with Matt Smith.  I painted this today from a picture my wife had taken along route 89 in Sedona last Month.  We turned around on the road 3 time to get just the right spot.  Thanks Kathy, for your persistence - this made a great composition.

                                  Let's see what tomorrow will bring...

Thank-you to Friends of Western Art

Up to the River's Edge   24X18"

Salt River Canyon 16X20"

I was awarded a scholarship for a class with Matt Smith at the Tucson Art Academy from an organization called FRIENDS OF WESTERN ART.  I am on day two of the class and am working hard and pushing through several elements to improve my techniques.  This is my second class with Matt and he is a great teacher. I want to thank FRIENDS OF WESTERN ART for seeing potential in my work and allowing me the opportunity to take it up another level.  You can visit them at http://www.friendsofwesternart.org/
To View Matt Smith's Work: http://mattsmithstudio.com/
To See What is Offered at Tucson Art Academy:  http://www.tucsonartacademy.com/