About Me

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I began drawing and painting at a very young age and knew early on that I would choose art for my life. I achieved success early on in high school and college in the arts, but after college, I felt compelled to a career in ministry and have spent many fulfilling years helping others find their purpose in life. Through the years, I continued to paint mostly for enjoyment and as an outlet, but in 2007, I realized that an important part of my own life-purpose was creating and painting. The internet, which of course was not available 25 years ago, is such a useful tool for artist, opening doors and providing exposure that would otherwise not be possible. With this new opportunity, I have been pursuing painting and marketing my art whole heartily, usually painting on a daily basis. I live in Tucson, love to jeep, love to paint and study art, and my paintings are often inspired from some remote mountain location in the high desert.

Friday, December 31, 2010

First Painting of 2011 - I am off and Painting...

"Everyone ends up somewhere - Few people end up somewhere on purpose."
"Today I'll do what I can to prepare me for tomorrow to do what I can't do today."

Just a couple of thoughts that I have been focusing on as I enter this New Year. With the New Year, I focus my purpose and prepare myself to do what I can today...  So, here is the first listing of the New Year.  I have been honored to have been selected to be in a couple of shows at the start of 2011 and have been busy painting for those and framing up my pieces, but I am beginning the New Year with some new work for eBay.  This one is 24X36 and is entitled Something in the Splendor. Click on the link to eBay at the top of my blog page and it will take you to my eBay listings. That's my buddy, Joel in the second picture with me.  He usually is puttering around in the studio.  Happy New Year!  -Jeff

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Expecting Great Things In 2011!

Happy New Year!
Here we are at the end of 2010 - As I reflect back on the year, I can honestly say that I am pleased with the progress I have made -and yet the prospect of another year, a new year, draws me forward, inspires me to push on and makes me ponder possibilities. I would say that the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I have done this year was to spend a week with artist Jim Wilcox. Going into the week I told him to not hold back any "punches".  I was there to learn and was not there to wear my feeings on my sleeve, so to speak.  I left with some bumps and bruises, but I tell you what, I am better off for it.  I close out 2010 with having 2 paintings selected in the Empire 100 Western Show and Sale.  So where am I headed in 2011?  I push on... I look forward to painting (when we can) on Thursdays with friend Phil Starke,  Matt Smith in February, Kevin Macpherson later in the year and Jim Wilcox once again.  I have several shows and contest scheduled and will be hoping for those letters that begin "Congratulations..." But even if they don't come, I love to paint and look forward to taking my art up another step.  Hope you will follow me in 2011.  Thank-you to all of my eBay collectors you who have purchased my art on eBay this year.  I will continue to list paintings on eBay into 2011.  
Happy New Year and Enjoy the Journey, Jeff

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Clouds Can't Keep Me Away Today!

You wouldn't think that there would be too many cloudy days in Tucson, but every day for the past week, the clouds have kept me from heading out to paint. I am down to the wire on time to enter this year's Tucson Plein Air Painters anual show so today I headed out, clouds and all. Here are a couple of pictures of what I got this morning. The clouds and shadows were changing so fast, I worked hard to keep up with them. I will try to get out again tomorrow and paint a couple more and pick the best ones for the TPAPS show. Wishing all a Merry Christmas! Jeff

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Empire 100 Western Show and Sale!!!

I entered the Empire Ranch Western Art Show and Sale this month and recieved a response in the mail today.  I had my 11 year old son read it to me.  With the first word being "Congratulations", my first thought was that he was pulling my leg.  I am pleased to announce that two of my entries have been selected for the show!!!   I will post more on the show soon. 

About the Empire 100 Western Art Show & Sale

The "Empire 100" Western Art Show & Sale showcases outstanding, original paintings and bronzes by renowned and emerging artists from across the United States.
Each artwork has been selected through a jury process that examines hundreds of submissions to offer an unparalleled selection of Western art. Ranging from impressionistic and traditional Western art subjects, to plein air landscapes, to colorful still lifes, the show offers something for every collector.
The Empire 100 Western Art Show & Sale is a "not-to-be-missed" event for the serious collector, or for the individual who wants the opportunity to see and purchase superb Western art. The show also features entries of "Empire-inspired art" - artwork inspired by images and scenes at the historic Empire Ranch.

The 2011 Show images can be found here - My Paintings can be found on Page 7. http://www.empireranchfoundation.org/ArtShow/artsale-Wint.htm