About Me

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I began drawing and painting at a very young age and knew early on that I would choose art for my life. I achieved success early on in high school and college in the arts, but after college, I felt compelled to a career in ministry and have spent many fulfilling years helping others find their purpose in life. Through the years, I continued to paint mostly for enjoyment and as an outlet, but in 2007, I realized that an important part of my own life-purpose was creating and painting. The internet, which of course was not available 25 years ago, is such a useful tool for artist, opening doors and providing exposure that would otherwise not be possible. With this new opportunity, I have been pursuing painting and marketing my art whole heartily, usually painting on a daily basis. I live in Tucson, love to jeep, love to paint and study art, and my paintings are often inspired from some remote mountain location in the high desert.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mountain Oyster Club Art Show Invite

A few days ago, I was pleasantly surprised by the following email:
Dear Mr. Love, The Mountain Oyster Club cordially invites you to participate in the Mountain Oyster Club’s Fortieth Annual Contemporary Western Art Show November 22, 2009– January 2, 2010. Enclosed you will find instructions and the documentation requirements for submission of your works of original art for consideration by the Art Committee. Please note that all art submitted for consideration should be works exhibited for the first time anywhere. As a consequence, the show has now grown to be one of the largest and most respected western art shows in the United States. We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation to participate in this year’s program.
Wow – Even if I don’t get juried into the show, I am honored to even be considered!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sunset on Farm Pond

A few evenings ago, I was out jeeping down a farmer's road through the farmland of Marana, Arizona, and came upon a small farm pond. The sunset was beautiful and the pond caught it all and produced the show in duplicate. This new painting was inspired from that sunset. It is 16X20 and is titled "The Farmer's Road" SOLD

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Painting in Progress - Planning, Work, Success "Across the Muddy Slough"

Planning is a vital step when working on a painting. There are many things to consider and studying and sketching are so important to the process. Imagine a builder who does not take time to plan ahead or a business person who did not take the time to create a business plan. We have all known (or been) the "I will do it someday" person, but without a plan, the someday never comes. Planning is such an important part if we expect to be successful. We live in a hurried "Just do It" society, but, really, the discipline of planning out what it is we are going to do and preparing for the experience would probably get us much farther in the long run. “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” (Proverbs 21:5) If we do not take the time to consider our goals and spend time carefully planning, our results may turn out quite different than we had imagined. As an artist, I am certainly working on this! The result is more rewarding when time is taken to study and plan and set goals. What is it that you need to plan out and set goals for? You can get there from here with a plan!
This painting is 24X36... it has no name yet... it is in progress... But I DO have a PLAN! - Check back in the next few days and I will post my progress. - Jeff SOLD

Monday, July 6, 2009

King of the Hill - Gabor Svagrik Workshop

As an artist, I am very aware that "I haven't arrived" yet, or for that matter, ever will. I am a learner, knowing that there are always others who are ahead of me and can help me - I am a teacher, knowing there are always others not as far along as me who could benefit from where I am at. Gabor Svagrik is one of those way out ahead of me. I attended a workshop put on by the Tucson Art Academy in June and tried to soak in all that Gabor so willingly offered. This small painting was painted during the workshop. I still hear his voice echoing in my head "Values, Values, Values - Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity - Think Dark to Light...". Thanks, Gabor, for your role as "teacher" in helping me take a step forward - And thank-you for so graciously sharing your talent as "artist". - Jeff
This painting is 10X8 and titled "King of the Hill". SOLD

Light On The Path

“You’ve gotta have light - without light you don’t have good pictures.” The quote is from Mark Beeson in his teaching this past weekend; “God Is Waiting On You.” He used the comparison of what is needed to take a great picture and what is needed to have a great life. First was focus and second was light.
Much like taking a photo or painting a picture, if you are going to have a clear, beautiful picture, you have to have light. The same is true with our lives, if we are going to have a clear, beautiful life, we need to walk in the light.
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105) Without God’s light, we cannot see the path of our life clear enough to navigate it successfully.
God wants us to have and live a clear and beautiful life. We gotta have light that shows the path even through the long shadows that sometimes come our way.
This painting is 11X14 and titled "Light On The Path" - May He light your path always, Jeff  SOLD

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What is an ACEO?

Art Cards Editions and Original are miniature works of art about the same size as modern baseball cards and thin enough to fit inside standard card-collector pockets, sleeves or sheets. I have also seen frames to fit at every art store. These cards have one main rule - they are 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches - the size of a trading card.
Cards are sold either as originals or editions. Make sure you know which you are buying. This one is an original. Artists from all over the world are creating, and now selling these tiny art pieces and it seems like a good way to have a collection of art on a budget. I use them as a quick study for working out values and composition for larger pieces. I try to do a few a month so keep watching for them if you are interested. This Painting is SOLD

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Dance on Sombrero Peak

Most People would think it too hot to be in Tucson this time of year. Yes, it is very hot and yes, it is really very humid with the summer monsoon time being here. But, I am here and I had the opportunity to take a drive yesterday evening with my wife and son to the north side of Sombrero Peak in Marana, Arizona, to catch the sunset. The views were amazing and the sun seemed to dance across the peak and through the lush desert. Stunning to say the least. So all you snow birds who have "flown the coup" for the hot summer months, it really is quite beautiful this time of year, too! See you in October. This painting is 11X14 and is titled "The Dance on Sombrero Peak".